Available Talents

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Name Description Max Rank Modify
Accurate Shot Add Accurate Shot level to Damage with all ranged weapons. BS Bonus
Acute Sense Allows use of the senses to take a Perception Test to detect ...
Acute Sense - Hearing Allows to take Perception Test to detect barely detectable so... I Bonus
Acute Sense - Sight Allows to take Perception Test to detect barely detectable vi... I Bonus
Acute Sense - Smell Allows to take Perception Test to detect barely detectable sm... I Bonus
Acute Sense - Taste Allows to take Perception Test to detect barely detectable ta... I Bonus
Acute Sense - Taste or Touch Allows use of the senses to take a Perception Test to detect ...
Acute Sense - Touch Allows to take Perception Test to detect barely detectable ta... I Bonus
Aethyric Attunement Double rolls on successful Channel Test do not cause Miscast ... I Bonus
Alley Cat If you fail a Stealth - Urban Test, you may reverse the die r... I Bonus
Ambidextrous When performing Tests with you secondary hand, you suffer -10... 2
Animal Affinity All animals with the Bestial Trait will be calm in your prese... WP Bonus
Arcane Magic You may memorize spells from your chosen Lore. The XP cost of...
Arcane Magic - Beasts You may now memorize spells from The Lore of Beasts. 1
Arcane Magic - Death You may now memorize spells from The Lore of Death. 1
Arcane Magic - Demonology You may now memorize spells from The Lore of Demonology. 1
Arcane Magic - Fire You may now memorize spells from The Lore of Fire. 1
Arcane Magic - Heavens You may now memorize spells from The Lore of Heavens. 1
Arcane Magic - Hedgecraft You may now memorize spells from The Lore of Hedgecraft. 1
Arcane Magic - Life You may now memorize spells from The Lore of Life. 1
Arcane Magic - Light You may now memorize spells from The Lore of Light. 1
Arcane Magic - Metal You may now memorize spells from The Lore of Metal. 1
Arcane Magic - Necromancy You may now memorize spells from The Lore of Necromancy. 1
Arcane Magic - Shadow You may now memorize spells from The Lore of Shadow. 1
Arcane Magic - Witchcraft You may now memorize spells from The Lore of Witchcraft. 1
Argumentative If you achieve Success in Charm Test to debate or argue, you ... Fel Bonus
Artistic You have a great talent for sketching and painting. Add the... Dex Bonus
Attractive After successfully using Charm on those attracted to you, you... Fel Bonus
Battle Rage Battle Rage lets you attempt to end Frenzy state at the end o... WP Bonus
Beat Blade For your Action, you can choose to Beat Blade before rolling....
Beneath Notice Beneath Notice lets you avoid being noticed by those with hig... Fel Bonus
Berserk Charge Gain +1 Damage to all Melee attacks per level of Berserk Char... S Bonus
Blather Rapidly talking nonsense without letting other interrupt you.... Fel Bonus
Bless You can cast Blessings of one of the Divine Lores. Normally, ...
Bless - Manann You can deploy Blessings of Manann - God of The Sea. 1
Bless - Morr You can deploy Blessings of Morr - God of Death. 1
Bless - Myrmidia You can deploy Blessings of Myrmidia - Goddess of Strategy. 1
Bless - Ranald You can deploy Blessings of Ranald - God of Trickery. 1
Bless - Rhya You can deploy Blessings of Rhya - Goddess of Fertility. 1
Bless - Shallya You can deploy Blessings of Shallya - Goddess of Mercy. 1
Bless - Sigmar You can deploy Blessings of Sigmar - God of The Empire. 1
Bless - Taal You can deploy Blessings of Taal - God of the Wild. 1
Bless - Ulric You can deploy Blessings of Ulric - God of War. 1
Bless - Verena You can deploy Blessings of Verena - Goddess of Wisdom. 1
Bookish When testing your Research skill, you can reverse the dice of... Int Bonus
Break and Enter Add +1 Damage for each level of This Talent when damaging ina... S Bonus
Briber With this Talent, the cost of bribery is reduced by 10% per T... Fel Bonus
Cardsharp If you achieve Success in Gamble or Sleight of Hand Test play... Int Bonus
Careful Strike When determining Hit Location, you can modify your roll by +/... I Bonus
Carouser If you fail a Consume Alcohol Test, you may reverse the die r... T Bonus
Catfall When falling you take a Athletics Test. If succeeded, Reduce ... Ag Bonus
Cat-tongued When lying using Charm, opponents cannot use Intuition to det... Fel Bonus
Combat Aware In combat situations when you would be affected by Surprise,... I Bonus
Combat Master If you are out-numbered, for each level of this Talent, you c... Ag Bonus
Combat Reflexes When determining Combat Initiative, gain +10 for each level o... I Bonus
Commanding Presence Anyone with lower Status cannot resist your Leadership Test w... Fel Bonus
Concoct Allows to take one free Crafting Endeavour to use Lore - Apot... Int Bonus
Contortionist You can fit through narrowings and gaps you normally would no... Ag Bonus
Coolheaded Permanent +5 bonus to Willpower Characteristic (WP) that does... 1
Crack the Whip When Fleeing or Running using an animal, add +1 Movement to it. Dex Bonus
Craftsman Add the associated Trade Skill to any Career you enter. If th...
Craftsman - Apothecary Add the Trade - Apothecary Skill to any Career you enter. If ... Dex Bonus
Craftsman - Boatbuilder Add the Trade - Boatbuilder Skill to any Career you enter. If... Dex Bonus
Craftsman - Engineer Add the Trade - Engineer Skill to any Career you enter. If th... Dex Bonus
Craftsman - Explosives Add the Trade - Explosives Skill to any Career you enter. If ... Dex Bonus
Craftsman - Herbalist Add the Trade - Herbalist Skill to any Career you enter. If t... Dex Bonus
Criminal When Earning or during Income Endeavour add the following per... 999
Deadeye Shot On hit with a ranged weapon, instead of using standard rules,... 1
Dealmaker Reduce or increase prices by an extra 10% when Haggling. Fel Bonus
Detect Artefact When you touch an item, you may take Intuition Test to sense ... I Bonus
Diceman If you achieve Success in Gamble or Sleight of Hand Test play... Int Bonus
Dirty Fighting You can chose to fight dirty in a fist fight: add +1 Damage f... WS Bonus
Disarm For your Action make an Opposed Melee/Melee Test. If succeede... I Bonus
Distract You can you your Move to perform Distraction on your opponent... Ag Bonus
Doomed When learning this Talent, chose a way it was foretold how yo... 1
Drilled If you are standing next to an allay with the Drilled Talent,... WS Bonus
Dual Wielder You can Attack with your both hands for you Action. You perfo... Ag Bonus
Embezzle When Earning (during play or performing Income Endeavour), if... Int Bonus
Enclosed Fighter You may ignore all penalties to Melee Tests due to fighting i... Ag Bonus
Etiquette Allows to blend in with the associated social group.
Etiquette - Apothecary Guilder Allows to act like you belong among Apothecary Guilders. Fel Bonus
Etiquette - Artisan Guilder Allows to act like you belong among Artisan Guilders. Fel Bonus
Etiquette - Boatmen Guilder Allows to act like you belong among Boatbuilder Guilders. Fel Bonus
Etiquette - Criminal Allows to act like you belong among Criminals. Fel Bonus
Etiquette - Cultists Allows to act like you belong among Cultists. Fel Bonus
Etiquette - Engineer Guilder Allows to act like you belong among Engineer Guilders. Fel Bonus
Etiquette - Guilder Allows to act like you belong among members of a guild.
Etiquette - Lawyer Guilder Allows to act like you belong among Lawyer Guilders. Fel Bonus
Etiquette - Merchant Guilder Allows to act like you belong among Merchant Guilders. Fel Bonus
Etiquette - Nobles Allows to act like you belong among Nobles. Fel Bonus
Etiquette - Physician Guilder Allows to act like you belong among Physician Guilders. Fel Bonus
Etiquette - Rat Catcher Guilder Allows to act like you belong among Rat Catcher Guilders. Fel Bonus
Etiquette - River Pilot Guilder Allows to act like you belong among River Pilot Guilders. Fel Bonus
Etiquette - Scholar Allows to act like you belong among Scholars. Fel Bonus
Etiquette - Servants Allows to act like you belong among Servants. Fel Bonus
Etiquette - Solider Allows to act like you belong among Soldiers. Fel Bonus
Etiquette - Stevedore Guilder Allows to act like you belong among Stevedore Guilders. Fel Bonus
Fast Hands Others can only Oppose your Sleight of Hand Test (with Percep... Dex Bonus
Fast Shot You can shot from a ranged weapon before anyone can react tha... Ag Bonus
Fearless If you successfully pass an Average (+20%) Cool Test you can ...
Fearless - Animals If you successfully pass an Average (+20%) Cool Test you can ... WP Bonus
Fearless - Beastmen If you successfully pass an Average (+20%) Cool Test you can ... WP Bonus
Fearless - Bounties If you successfully pass an Average (+20%) Cool Test you can ... WP Bonus
Fearless - Criminals If you successfully pass an Average (+20%) Cool Test you can ... WP Bonus
Fearless - Everything If you successfully pass an Average (+20%) Cool Test you can ... WP Bonus
Fearless - Heretics If you successfully pass an Average (+20%) Cool Test you can ... WP Bonus
Fearless - Intruders If you successfully pass an Average (+20%) Cool Test you can ... WP Bonus
Fearless - Monsters If you successfully pass an Average (+20%) Cool Test you can ... WP Bonus
Fearless - Outlaws If you successfully pass an Average (+20%) Cool Test you can ... WP Bonus
Fearless - Rats If you successfully pass an Average (+20%) Cool Test you can ... WP Bonus
Fearless - Riverwardens If you successfully pass an Average (+20%) Cool Test you can ... WP Bonus
Fearless - Road Wardens If you successfully pass an Average (+20%) Cool Test you can ... WP Bonus
Fearless - Skaven If you successfully pass an Average (+20%) Cool Test you can ... WP Bonus
Fearless - Watchmen If you successfully pass an Average (+20%) Cool Test you can ... WP Bonus
Fearless - Witches If you successfully pass an Average (+20%) Cool Test you can ... WP Bonus
Fearless - Wreckers If you successfully pass an Average (+20%) Cool Test you can ... WP Bonus
Feint You can Feint for you Action against an opponent using a weap... WS Bonus
Field Dressing If you fail a Heal Test, you may reverse the die roll if that... Int Bonus
Fisherman When in proximity of a large body of water, you are automatic... I Bonus
Flagellant Each day, you must pray at least half an hour to your God an... T Bonus
Flee! Increase your Movement by +1 when Fleeing. Ag Bonus
Fleet Footed Permanently gain +1 to Movement. 1
Frenzy After a successful Willpower Test, you can go Frenzy. You be... 1
Frightening If you wish, you have a Fear Rating equal to the level of Fri... S Bonus
Furious Assault Once per Round, if you successfully hit your opponent in clos... Ag Bonus
Gregarious If you fail a Gossip Test, you may reverse the die roll if th... Fel Bonus
Gunner Add level of this Talent to SL of any Extended Test to reload... Dex Bonus
Hardy Permanently add your Toughness Bonus (TB) to your Wounds. The... T Bonus
Hatred On encountering a member of Hatred group, you must attempt a ...
Hatred - Greenskins On encountering a member of Greenskins, you must attempt a Ps... WP Bonus
Hatred - Heretics On encountering a member of Heretics, you must attempt a Psyc... WP Bonus
Hatred - Outlaws On encountering a member of Outlaws, you must attempt a Psych... WP Bonus
Holy Hatred Gain +1 Damage with Miracles for each level of this Holy Hatr... Fel Bonus
Holy Visions You automatically know when you enter Holy Ground. You may ta... I Bonus
Hunter’s Eye When in rural area, you are automatically able to hunt enough... I Bonus
Impassioned Zeal If you are talking about your cause or religion, double your ... Fel Bonus
Implacable You ignore Wounds from Bleeding Condition. Each level of Impl... T Bonus
In-fighter You ignore all weapon reach penalties when fighting opponent ... T Bonus
Inspiring When at war, you can use Leadership to inspire many more of y... Fel Bonus
Instinctive Diction Double rolls on successful Language - Magick Test do not caus... I Bonus
Invoke You can empower miracles from your chosen Divine Lore. The XP...
Invoke - Manann You may now empower miracles of Manann - God of The Sea. 1
Invoke - Morr You may now empower miracles of Morr - God of Death. 1
Invoke - Myrmidia You may now empower miracles of Myrmidia - Goddess of Strategy. 1
Invoke - Ranald You may now empower miracles of of Ranald - God of Trickery. 1
Invoke - Rhya You may now empower miracles of Rhya - Goddess of Fertility. 1
Invoke - Shallya You may now empower miracles of Shallya - Goddess of Mercy. 1
Invoke - Sigmar You may now empower miracles of Sigmar - God of The Empire. 1
Invoke - Taal You may now empower miracles of Taal - God of the Wild. 1
Invoke - Ulric You may now empower miracles of Ulric - God of War. 1
Invoke - Verena You may now empower miracles of Verena - Goddess of Wisdom. 1
Iron Jaw Whenever you are about to get a Stunned Condition, you can ta... T Bonus
Iron Will Prevents Intimidate Skill form causing Fear in you. WP Bonus
Jump Up Anytime you gain a Prone Condition, you may take a Challengin... 1
Kingpin You do not suffer Status penalties from the Criminal Talent. 1
Lightning Reflexes Permanent +5 bonus to Agility Characteristic (Ag) that does n... 1
Linguistics When exposed to a new Language for at least a month, you may ... Int Bonus
Lip Reading If see someone's lips, you can take a Perception Test to make... I Bonus
Luck Maximum Fortune Points are increased by the level of Luck Tal... Fel Bonus
Magic Resistance Whenever you are a target of a spell (positive or negative) t... T Bonus
Magical Sense You attempt an Average (+20%) Intuition Test to sense the Win... I Bonus
Magnum Opus Every time you take this Talent, you can create an unique pie... 999
Marksman Permanent +5 bonus to Ballistic Skill Characteristic (BS) tha... 1
Master of Disguise You may pretend to be someone else without having to use a Di... Fel Bonus
Master Orator Add level of Master Orator to SL of any successful Charm Test... Fel Bonus
Master Tradesman Lets you reduce required SL of any Extended Test using your T...
Master Tradesman - Apothecary Lets you reduce required SL of any Extended Test using your T... Dex Bonus
Master Tradesman - Boatbuilder Lets you reduce required SL of any Extended Test using your T... Dex Bonus
Master Tradesman - Engineer Lets you reduce required SL of any Extended Test using your T... Dex Bonus
Master Tradesman - Herbalist Lets you reduce required SL of any Extended Test using your T... Dex Bonus
Master Tradesman - Poisoner Lets you reduce required SL of any Extended Test using your T... Dex Bonus
Menacing When using the Intimidate Skill, add +1 SL for each level of ... S Bonus
Mimic Given a day of exposure, you can take an Initiative Test to l... I Bonus
Night Vision You can see clearly in the low light conditions (there has to... I Bonus
Nimble Fingered Permanent +5 bonus to Dexterity Characteristic (Dex) that doe... 1
Noble Blood When comparing your Status to others, assuming you have appro... 1
Nose for Trouble An Intuition Test allows you to spot other trying to stir up ... I Bonus
Numismatics Allows you to evaluate value of a coin without a Test. You ca... I Bonus
Old Salt Ignore all penalties when Testing Sail using sea vessels. You... Ag Bonus
Orientation While outside, you always can tell where the north is. I Bonus
Panhandle When Begging, you may take Charm Test every half hour instead... Fel Bonus
Perfect Pitch You can perfectly identify and reproduce any tones or notes ... I Bonus
Petty Magic You may memorize Petty Magic spells. When you take this Talen... 1
Pharmacist You can reverse any failed Trade (Apothecary) test if this al... Int Bonus
Pilot If you fail a Test to navigate dangerous waters, you can reve... I Bonus
Public Speaker When publicly speaking to a crowd of people, you can influenc... Fel Bonus
Pure Soul You may gain extra Corruption points equal to the level of th... WP Bonus
Rapid Reload Add level of this Talent to SL of all Reload Tests you make. Dex Bonus
Reaction Strike When being charged, you may take a Challenging (+0) Initiativ... I Bonus
Read/Write You can read and write (if appropriate) all of the Languages ... 1
Relentless When using Advantage to Disengage, you can keep a number of A... Ag Bonus
Resistance Pass automatically the first test against associated threat. ...
Resistance - Chaos Pass automatically the first test against Chaos. The SL of su... T Bonus
Resistance - Disease Pass automatically the first test against disease. The SL of ... T Bonus
Resistance - Poison Pass automatically the first test against poison. The SL of s... T Bonus
Resolute When Charging, add level of Resolute to your Strength Bonus. S Bonus
Reversal If you win an Opposed Melee Test, instead of gaining +1 Advan... WS Bonus
Riposte If your weapon has the Fast quality, you can do Damage when b... Ag Bonus
River Guide When passing through dangerous riverways, we do not need to t... I Bonus
Robust Reduce Damage taken by +1 for each level of this Talent. Dam... T Bonus
Roughrider When fighting mounted, If you have Ride - Horse Skill, you ca... Ag Bonus
Rover When using Stealth - Rural, others do not get a Perception Te... Ag Bonus
Savant You Know a number of pieces of information equal to level of ...
Savant - Apothecary You know a number of pieces of information equal to the level... Int Bonus
Savant - Engineer You know a number of pieces of information equal to the level... Int Bonus
Savant - Herbs You know a number of pieces of information equal to the level... Int Bonus
Savant - Law You know a number of pieces of information equal to the level... Int Bonus
Savant - Local You know a number of pieces of information equal to the level...
Savant - Local - Altdorf You know a number of pieces of information equal to the level... Int Bonus
Savant - Medicine You know a number of pieces of information equal to the level... Int Bonus
Savant - Riverways You know a number of pieces of information equal to the level... Int Bonus
Savant - Theology You know a number of pieces of information equal to the level... Int Bonus
Savvy Permanent +5 bonus to Intelligence Characteristic (Int) that ... 1
Scale Sheer Surface Ignore any penalties to Climb Tests coming from the difficult... S Bonus
Schemer Once per session you, you may take a secret Intelligence Test... Int Bonus
Sea Legs You are resistant to sea sickness. Under regular conditions ... T Bonus
Seasoned Traveller Add Lore (Local) to any Career you Enter. If that Career alre... Int Bonus
Second Sight You perceive Winds of Magic and its influence with all your ... I Bonus
Secret Identity You have one or more (equal to the level of this Talent) secr... Int Bonus
Shadow You can follow someone secretly (Shadowing) without taking a ... Ag Bonus
Sharp Permanent +5 bonus to Initiative Characteristic (I) that does... 1
Sharpshooter When using ranged weapons, ignore any Difficulty modifiers du... 1
Shieldsman When using a shield to defend, if you lose the Opposed Test, ... S Bonus
Sixth Sense If you are approaching a dangerous situation, GM may take a s... I Bonus
Slayer When determining Damage, you may use your opponents Toughness... 1
Small Your size is Small instead of Average. 1
Sniper When using ranged weapon, you suffer no penalties at Long ran... 4
Speedreader You can reverse die roll on any failed Research Test if that ... Int Bonus
Sprinter When determining your running speed, increase your Movement b... S Bonus
Step Aside When using Dodge, if you win the Opposed Test, you can move u... Ag Bonus
Stone Soup You are remarkable at resisting hunger. You can survive on ha... T Bonus
Stout-hearted In addition to usual rules, You can take an extra Cool Test t... WP Bonus
Strider Ignore all movement penalties when moving in the specified te...
Strider - Coastal Ignore all movement penalties when moving through Coasts. Ag Bonus
Strider - Marshes Ignore all movement penalties when moving through Marshes. Ag Bonus
Strider - Rocky Ignore all movement penalties when moving through Rocky terra... Ag Bonus
Strider - Woodlands Ignore all movement penalties when moving through Woodlands. Ag Bonus
Strike Mighty Blow Add the level of Strike Mighty Blow to all Damage made with m... S Bonus
Strike to Injure If you caused a Critical Wound, you inflict extra Wounds equa... Ag Bonus
Strike to Stun You ignore the ‘Called Shot’ penalty to strike the Head Hit L... WS Bonus
Strong Back Add the level of this Talent to SL in any Opposed Strength Te... S Bonus
Strong Legs When jumping, add the level of Strong Legs to your SL in Athl... S Bonus
Strong Swimmer When determining how long can you hold your breath underwater... S Bonus
Strong-minded Increase your maximum Resolve pool by the level of this Talent. WP Bonus
Sturdy You can carry extra points of Encumbrance equal to twice the ... S Bonus
Suave Permanent +5 bonus to Fellowship Characteristic (Fel) that do... 1
Super Numerate You have a gift for mathematics. That include solving complex... Int Bonus
Supportive After a successful social Skill test to influence a superior,... Fel Bonus
Sure Shot When using ranged weapon, ignore opponent's APs equal to the ... I Bonus
Surgery You can treat Critical Wounds marked as needing Surgery. You ... Int Bonus
Tenacious On a successful Endurance Test, you can endure the situation ... T Bonus
Tinker For the purpose of repairing a broken item, you can can assum... Dex Bonus
Tower of Memories You can recall long sequences of items. Every new sequence yo... Int Bonus
Trapper You take Perception Tests to spot traps automatically without... I Bonus
Trick Riding You can use Perform and Dodge Skills while mounted without an... Ag Bonus
Tunnel Rat When using Stealth - Underground, others do not get a Percept... Ag Bonus
Unshakeable When shoot at with a Blackpowder weapon, you have to take a C... WP Bonus
Very Resilient Permanent +5 bonus to Toughness Characteristic (T) that does ... 1
Very Strong Permanent +5 bonus to Strength Characteristic (S) that does n... 1
War Leader Once per Round, all subordinates able to see you, can add the... Fel Bonus
War Wizard On your Turn, you can cast any known spell with Casting Numb... 1
Warrior Born Permanent +5 bonus to Weapon Skill Characteristic (WS) that d... 1
Waterman Ignore all penalties when Testing Sail using river vessels. ... Ag Bonus
Wealthy When Earning (during play or performing Income Endeavours) ga... 999
Well-prepared When you need a particular item (you do not currently have), ... I Bonus
Witch! Add Language - Magick Skill to any Career you enter. If the C... WP Bonus